Attendance Procedures
South Lake
If your student will be absent or late please contact your student’s site directly.
- Phone: 206-252-6600
- Email: Please send an email to both:
- Ana Maake
- Middle College Attendance:
North Seattle College

If your student will be absent or late please contact your student’s site directly.
- Phone: 206-934-3957
- Email: Please send your email to both:
- Phillip Page:
- Middle College Attendance:
Compulsory Attendance (Becca) Law
The Compulsory School Attendance law of Washington State has clear expectations for students, parents, and school districts for student attendance and what to do if students become truant. A clear School Board Attendance Policy and District-wide SPS Attendance Procedures are in place.
Schools are required to:
- Notify parents/guardians about the Compulsory Attendance Law in September.
- Take daily attendance and notify parents/guardians after the first and second unexcused absence, and after each subsequent absence. Usually this is done by phone, but a Letter 1 can be sent home instead or if the parent cannot be reached by phone.
- Schedule a conference to meet with the student and parent to address truant behavior after 2 or more unexcused absences. Letter 2 is used to invite the parent to this conference.
- Take steps to correct the problem in an effort to determine why a student is not attending school and to help develop a plan to insure regular attendance. These interventions are critical for solving an attendance problem early. If the truancy is caused by the parent’s action, notify the Truancy Office.
For questions regarding absences, please call the individual site.